Ever since I was a kid, I have always been addicted to mythologies. They showed me the things I always imagine about our world. And a certain story caught my attention." The disappearance of Atlantis."
Atlantis is a sub-continent located in the far west of the world believed to be bigger than Libya and Asia combined. The God of the Sea, Poseidon, received the island when he and his brothers (Zeus and Hades) divided the world. He married a mortal named Cleito and they started the royal line of the Atlanteans.
Suddenly it vanished in a day and night. According to legends, The God of Gods, Zeus punished them for being selfish to their riches and being greedy. They also began to act like foolish humans and began marrying mortals which the gods find absurd. Without a hint, Atlantis perished on Earth.
Among all the riddles and myths in the world, Atlantis is one of the famous. Why? Because nobody knows where it is located and if it really existed. A famous philosopher, Plato, once described Atlantis as the nearest thing to paradise on Earth. He wrote two stories regarding Atlantis entitled "Timaeus" and the "Critias" but he never had the chance to finish it or either tell people what happen to the Atlanteans And that being said, a lot of modern archaeologists and scientists are spending their lives knowing where's the exact location of Atlantis is.
I've read an article entitled "Lost City of Atlantis: Fact & Fable" by Benjamin Radford of livescience.com that tells about how Atlantis influenced a lot people. Modern civilizations are interested on Atlantis because they also want to be as advanced and influential as them. He also stated in there that people tried to locate the subcontinent to the extent of their expectations. He even said that "In the 1800s, mystic Madame Blavatsky claimed that she learned about Atlantis from Tibetan gurus; a century later, psychic Edgar Cayce claimed that Atlantis (which he described as an ancient, highly evolved civilization powered by crystals) would be discovered by 1969. In the 1980s, New Age mystic J.Z. Knight claimed that she learned about Atlantis from Ramtha, a 35,000-year-old warrior spirit who speaks through her. Thousands of books, magazines and websites are devoted to Atlantis, and it remains a popular topic."
Now, the question is, are these locations accurate? All of the locations above are likely to contradict each other. Even though they gave sources and evidences, there are still no expeditions launched to find the mysterious island of Atlantis. It might be possible that they just made it up to be known around the world.
Earth is precisely 1/4 land and 3/4 water, so it is pretty hard for people to look for the exact point of Atlantis. And also, a lot of cities and lands begin to sink nowadays due to natural phenomenons. According to another blog I read entitled "Shocker 9: Reasons why Atlantis may be real" by Katherine Neer of dsc.discovery.com, New Orleans and Louisiana are beginning to sink and lose some of its wetlands. She connected this current event to the possibility of what happened to Atlantis. She stated in the article, "True, New Orleans is sinking, but that's not the only problem. Louisiana is losing wetlands -- more so than any other area in the United States. Combine these issues with rising sea levels and it's possible that by the year 2100, New Orleans could suffer the supposed fate of Atlantis and be completely claimed by the sea. Fortunately, coastal restoration efforts are underway, and if managed closely, they could keep "The Big Easy" safe"
It might be possible that other islands around us will suffer the same fate as Atlantis but why do people still insist on learning about it? Is it really possible that one island can disappear within a day and a night, of course, no and that's what keeps us from researching about it that even though we have certain logical explanations in front of us, we choose to think of the impossible being possible.
I know that the myth of Atlantis would be pass on to the next generation and for sure, they would still search for it just like what we do today. That's because we are mystified by the fact that Atlantis had all the riches in the world and that is what we want to find. The sense of mystery lingering on the myth is what's keeping it alive. People want to know how the Atlanteans become wealthy and when they found Atlantis, that is big step for them on having unlimited needs. In the end, the disappearance of Atlantis is still a mystery whether it is real or it is just a story made for entertainment of humanity.
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